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  • Each project is unique and is priced individually. The cost of a custom mural or sign depends upon several factors: size, complexity, location, and surface.

  • I can usually get started on your design in 1-2 months.

    Once the design and budget are approved, we’ll get you on the schedule for installing your mural. Installs are booked 3-6 months in advance.

  • Once we know my style is a good fit for your mural, we’ll talk about concepts and number of revision rounds included.

  • Murals bring creative energy and flare to your business. Interior murals can elevate your business and brand. Exterior murals make art accessible to the community.

  • Take measurements! This will help you calculate your budget and give you an idea of how it’ll fit into your space.

  • Tag them in your photos! Attend local artistry events like Conway Art Walk. If it’s in your budget, buy from an artisan instead of online.


Using a new mural as a marketing opportunity

People jump (sometimes literally!) at the chance to take pictures in front of a mural. I've got 5 ways you can use a mural as a marketing opportunity and I can't wait to share them with you!


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