Artist Interview about Mr. Porcupine

Interview with artist Jessica Jones
Phil M., The Arkansas art scene blog
AAS: Jessica, you are a fairly recent transplant to Arkansas. What brought you here?
JJ: Yes, I’ve lived in Arkansas about 10 years. I grew up in Florida, an Italian American, born Jessica Sabatino. I moved to Tucson, Arizona for college when I was 20. I married my first husband there and became Jessica Jones, and later moved to Colorado for work. The recession of the time put us out of work, and we moved to Arkansas, which is where my late husband grew up, and where we had family and support for that difficult season. After the birth of my second child, I became a full time stay at home Mom. After the unexpected death of my husband 4 years ago I started doing art full time as a way to support my family. I recently remarried and I am excited for the next chapters of my life here in the natural state.
AAS: It takes more than just talent to be a full-time artist. You must have tremendous discipline. How do you manage that?
JJ: Yes indeed! I always tell people most of my success is from doing what I say I’m going to do when I say I’m going to do it, not from divine talent. I suppose it is rooted out of necessity. My two children mean everything to me, and it’s not easy trying to support yourself much less a family as an artist. We have a culture that doesn’t view art with as much value as other pursuits. To make a living as an artist you have to be impeccable in your work ethic and integrity. It was also important to me to set an example to my children. Bad things can happen to you in life, but you still don’t give up on your passions.